From Marshwood Vale to Charmouth

From Marshwood Vale to Charmouth



 Beer Head and Seato

 Beer Head and Seaton


Walking with us

Call ahead

Please telephone ⁄ text the leader to book your place at least 24 hours in advance and don’t forget to let the walk leader know if you are unable to attend in case there is a wait list.

We make every effort to put on the walks as listed in the programme and they take place in most weather conditions as long as more than two walkers wish to join the leader. However, the leader may have to cancel or shorten a walk if the weather is very bad or a path is impassable. If the leader decides to cancel a walk, they will endeavour to get to the start to tell anyone else who turns up that it is cancelled. But in the case of fog, snow or ice, that might not be possible.

Car Sharing

When booking please tell the leader if you would like a lift or can offer one.

On the walk

Please keep to the right of way (ROW) and do not stray over adjacent land. Walk in single file when crossing land with crops or seeds and make sure gates are left closed. On roads walk on the right facing oncoming traffic. Use stiles and do not climb over nearby gates or fences. Please advise the walk leader if you wish to drop behind. Observe the Country Code.

Clothing and footwear

Walking boots (or wellies) and appropriate waterproof clothing, advisable. The pace will always be comfortable for all. Two miles an hour over footpaths is a good rule of thumb. We won’t leave anyone behind and there’ll be plenty of breaks to admire the views.


Dogs are at the walk leader’s discretion and should be kept on a short lead around stock and under close control at all other times. Walkers with Registered Assistance Dogs are welcome but be aware of hills and stiles. Please check with the walk leader when booking in if you wish to bring your dog.


Each member has a responsibility to identify the hazards and should take steps to eliminate or minimise the potential for an accident. Any accident must be reported to the leader immediately, who will decide if it’s necessary to complete an Accident Form for Head Office. Please advise the walk leader (in confidence) prior to the walk if you have any underlying health concerns or existing health conditions.

Please, always telephone the leader before the walk.

Find out more about Ramble Worldwide

Copyright West Dorset Ramblers 2011 to 2012 All Rights Reserved Unless otherwise indicated (copyright ownership of information, data, text, images, graphics and the selection and arrangement of such and links, software and source code on this web site rest with the West Dorset Ramblers. Some material is owned by the Ramblers Groups within the Dorset Area and/or with Ramblers members. In accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 extracts are permitted for personal private use. No part of the web site may be reproduced commercially in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the West Dorset Ramblers. All trademarks are acknowledged as trade marks or registered trade marks of their owners. The West Dorset Ramblers name and logo and all related product and service names are the trade names, service marks or trade marks of the West Dorset Ramblers and may not be used without prior written consent.
The Ramblers’ Association is a registered charity (England & Wales, no: 1093577, Scotland, no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: The Ramblers, c⁄o Bates Wells, 10 Queen St Place, London EC4R 1BE.